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Total amount: 0,00 EUR

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Shopping cart Checkout

Terms of service


    Anyone can browse the catalog and place books in the cart, but only registered and / or logged-in users can complete the purchase.
    Registration is only done once, later when you want to make a purchase, sign up with your e-mail address and the password you chose when registering (keep the e-mail "registration notice"). Link Registration? you will open a page where you can register as a new user.

    If you are not registered and you do not have a password, you must repeat the data entry every time you want to make an order.


    When you get to the home page of our store, you will see the books in the order in which the books arrived.

    Under "Selected" you can browse a number of books we've selected as important, rare, and expensive.

    You can also browse areas and subfields by clicking the link left to a specific area or subfield.

    For quick search, enter the desired term in the "Search" field.

    If you want to search by specific parameters (keyword, language, author etc.), click on the "Advanced Search" link.

    When you want more information on the book, click on a book, book name or "more details" to open the page with the bigger picture book and more information.


    Click on a thumbnail or text "add to cart" and add a book to the book you want to buy. The book will be found in the basket, and the text "basket is empty" will be changed to "amount: xx, xx kn". Continue to browse our offer and add other books to your shopping cart. Before you decide to purchase, you can change the contents of your basket at any time by clicking the "see shopping cart" link. You can increase or decrease the amount of each book in your cart, or delete a book from your cart by setting the amount to 0.

    When you have filled out the shopping cart you want, click on the "see shopping cart" link, check the basket status and click on "START" to continue the simple order process.

    If you have not registered as an already registered user, you can register as a new user in this step and fill out your profile.

    You can save one account address and multiple delivery addresses in the profile. If you have not entered any shipping address, you will use the shipping address. After the successful registration or registration, on the "CASH" page you will be able to choose the desired payment and delivery method. If you have selected a payment, you will see a confirmation of your order, and if you have selected a credit card payment, you will need to select the type of credit card that you pay for and enter the required information on the secure T-Com Pay Way page.

    For each received order we will send you a confirmation of receipt of your e-mail address.


You can pay for the ordered goods through a pre-invoice (internet banking / credit / debit card), or online credit cards American Express®, MasterCard® or Visa.

    If you have selected a prepay payment, you will see a receipt for your order that will be sent to you by email.
    Upon payment of the required amount, the shipment will be sent to the address specified in the order.
    If you are paying as a legal entity by pre-financing, you must enter the appropriate information in the profile - company name and address, OIB and giro account.
    Also, pre-order orders can be paid to people who do not own a credit card.

    If you have selected a payment, you will see a confirmation of your order that will be sent to you by email. The consignment will be sent to the address specified in the order.

    If you have selected a credit card payment, select the credit card type you are paying for (American Express, MasterCard, Visa, Maestro or Diners) on the secure page of T-Com Pay Waya and enter the required information.


The control number is a three-digit or four-digit number printed on a card that is not stored on a magnetic card bar or appears on merchant accounts and receipts. The control number serves as proof that you physically own the card at the time of online purchase and reduces the possibility of misuse.
    The control number position depends on the card. Enter the appropriate check number for the selected card according to the following instructions.
    On American Express cards issued in Croatia starting with digits 3775, there is a three-digit check number printed on the back of the card (the last right-hand group of 3 digits) that is to be entered. For other American Express cards, you must enter the four-digit number printed on the front of the card.

When paying MasterCard, Maestro or Visa cards, you must enter a three-digit number (the last right-hand group of 3 digits) that is printed on the back of the card in the signature field. If no control number is printed on your Maestro card, your registration is not required.
    All personal information about the card user must be entered using only the letters of the English alphabet. Do not use Croatian dijakritic characters (č, ć, đ, š, ž) or the characters of some other languages ​​(ß, ç, ä, ë, ö and so on). Instead write them c, dj, s, z or other appropriate characters.
    Name and surname - it is necessary to enter exactly as in the card (without the cognate) using the letters of the English alphabet.
    Address, City, Postal Code, Country - Enters exactly as it is written in the account that the user receives from the cardholder (without a parent) using the letters of the English alphabet.
    Phone number - Enter a number that can be called if you need to check the order.
    E-mail address - enter a valid email address to which you will send authorization notices, card debit or cancellation of the transaction.

    When you click BUY, you will see a confirmation of your order that will be sent to your e-mail address.
    The T-Com Pay Way system will send you a confirmation email of your card authorization for the specified amount only when your shipment is ready for delivery.

    Note: Your card has not yet been charged for this amount at this time. Data is verified and your expense is announced. Only when your shipment is ready for delivery we will charge the transaction for the required amount (may be equal or less authorized if we have for some reason sent only part of the order in agreement with you).
    For your protection, the Pay Way system does not allow us to charge a larger amount or inspect your credit card number.
    We only see the number of transactions sent for billing or cancellation to the card reader.
    When we cancel the transaction or send it to you, T-com Pay Way will send you a confirmation email again.
    The Pay Way system disables participants in the process of purchasing access to non-authorized data: for example, the bank can only see financial data, but not the content information on the purchase, while, on the other hand, we see only the content of the purchase but not the financial information about the buyer (card number, condition, etc.).

All payments will be effected in Croatian currency. The charged amount on your credit card account is converted into your local currency according to the exchange rate of credit card associations.


Data security on your way between your computer and the T-Com Pay Way system server is ensured by using encryption and security protocol.

Encryption is a process that converts plain text into encrypted text using algorithms and secret and public keys. Data transmitted over these pages are protected using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocols. The SSL protocol encrypts data when entering through a web site, creating a secure channel for transmitting information and disables unauthorized access to data when communicating between a user's computer and a server, and vice versa. User data that is transmitted over the Internet is protected by 128 bit SSL data encryption protocol. 128-bit encryption with SSL protocol is currently the strongest standard in the protection of communication and data exchange over the Internet and is used by all serious users who partially or fully perform certain Internet communication.

An online payment server is located in a private network secured by a dual layer firewall and prevents unauthorized access. Exchange of data between T-Com and authorization centers of card houses is done using a private network that has no access to the Internet and is completely protected from unauthorized access using the ISO 8583 protocol.



We are obliged to keep the privacy of all our customers.
We only collect necessary, basic customer information and inform customers about how they are used.

We are responsible for not disclose any information about our users and (or) sell, and in any way provide it to third parties.

All customer information is strictly kept and only accessible to employees who are required to do this.


We deliver the ordered products by mail, or if you want a delivery service of your choice (you pay for delivery). We deliver the ordered goods on delivery within one working day. If for some reason we are unable to deliver the ordered goods, we will notify you by e-mail and / or phone.

All products have been thoroughly reviewed before submitting to the courier.
If the contents of the shipment do not match the order, please notify us and return the shipment, and we will send you the correct product at our expense.
If you notice any damage to transportation during receipt of the shipment, you are not required to take over the shipment, but return it to the shipper and let us know. The submitter will return the damaged item to us and you will be sent a new shipment.


Your email address will automatically send you different messages after you've done the activity (certificate of registration, order confirmation, delivery or cancellation notice, card validation certificate or cancellation of the transaction). Therefore, it is necessary to use the correct and valid email address to get the messages with the necessary information to you.

Important: Do not respond to messages from automatically generated notifications, but contact us at any time:

telephone / fax: + 385 1 4819629

or in writing to the address

Diskobolos d.o.o. for trade, mediation and services

Graberje 150

10090 Zagreb


For any complaints, please contact us at:

telephone / fax: + 385 1 4819629

or in writing to the address

Diskobolos d.o.o. for trade, mediation and services

Graberje 150

10090 Zagreb

MB 0165778
OIB 12803615144

Information Form on the Right to Unilateral Termination of the Purchase Agreement

Information Form on the Right to Unilateral Termination of the Contract referred to in Article 74, Paragraph 1 of the Consumer Protection Act
This document informs the buyer of the right, not stating the reasons for this, on a one-sided termination of a contract concluded outside the business premises or concluded over a distance within 14 days. Consumer rights and obligations, as well as the obligations and rights of the merchant are stated. To this end, some of the articles of the Consumer Protection Act (some in its entirety and some in part) are cited.
Right to one-sided termination of contract
General provisions
Article 72
(1) The consumer has the right, without giving reasons for this, unilaterally terminate a contract made out of business premises or made a distance within 14 days.
(2) In the case of the conclusion of a purchase contract, the time limit referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall begin to run from the date on which the consumer or third party designated by the consumer and not the carrier constitutes the subject matter of the contract.
(3) If, on a single order, the consumer has ordered more than one piece of goods to be delivered separately, ie if the goods are delivered in more than one piece or more, the time limit referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall begin to run from the day on which the consumer or third party to a person designated by a consumer who is not a carrier, the last piece or last consignment of goods is delivered.
(4) If a regular supply of goods is contracted for a certain period, the time limit referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall begin to run from the date on which the first or the first consignment of the goods is delivered to the consumer or to a third party designated by the consumer other than the carrier.
(5) In the case of the conclusion of a service contract, contracts for the supply of water, gas or electricity that are sold in an unlimited volume or unlimited quantity and the delivery of heat energy, as well as in the case of the conclusion of a contract which is a subject of digital content that is not supplied in the physical media, the time limit referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall begin to run from the date of the conclusion of the contract.
How to use the right to unilaterally terminate the contract
Article 74
(1) Before the expiry of the unilateral termination of the contract referred to in Article 72 of this Act, the consumer is obliged to inform the trader of his decision to terminate the contract by means of a one-off termination contract form or by any other unequivocal statement expressing his will to terminate the contract.
(2) The content and form of the form referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be prescribed by the Minister of the Ministry of Consumer Protection.
(3) If the merchant on his web site allows the consumer to unilaterally terminate the contract, the consumer may unilaterally terminate the contract so that the unilateral termination or other unambiguous declaration of disqualification will be completed and sent to the trader electronically.
(4) In the case referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article, the trader shall, without delay, provide the consumer with a receipt confirming receipt of the permanent media release.
(5) A declaration of termination of the contract shall be submitted by the consumer before the expiration of the termination period provided for in Articles 72 and 73 of this Act.
(6) The consumer is obliged to prove that his right to unilaterally terminate the contract has been fulfilled in accordance with the provisions of this Article.
The effect of unilateral termination of the contract
Article 75
(1) If the consumer exercises his right to unilaterally terminate the contract referred to in Article 72 of this Act, the parties shall not be obliged to fulfill their obligations under a contract concluded outside the business premises and a contract concluded remotely, ie if the bid for the conclusion of the contract was made by the consumer, are not obliged to conclude the contract.
(2) In the case of termination of the contract, each party shall return to the other one what it has received under the contract in accordance with the provisions of this Section.
(3) The consumer shall not be obliged to reimburse any costs that would result from the use of his right to unilaterally terminate the contract referred to in Article 72 of this Act, except those provided for in Articles 76 (2) and 77 of this Act.

Merchant obligations in case of unilateral termination of contract
Article 76
(1) If the consumer exercises his right to unilaterally terminate the contract referred to in Article 72 of this Act, the trader shall without delay and at the latest within 14 days from the date of receipt of the notice of consumer's decision to terminate the contract in accordance with Article 74 of this Act, to return to the consumer all that he has paid on the basis of the contract.
(2) By way of derogation from paragraph 1 of this Article, a trader shall not be obliged to recover the additional costs resulting from the consumer's express choice of the type of transport which is different from the cheapest type of standard carriage offered by the trader.
(3) In the case of a sales contract, unless he has offered the goods that the consumer returns to take over, the trader has to make a refund only after the goods have been returned, ie after the consumer has provided evidence that the goods have been returned to the trader the trader was informed of that before the goods were received.
(4) A merchant shall make a refund of the payment referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article using the same means of payment used by the consumer in payment unless the consumer explicitly agrees to another payment instrument and assuming that the consumer is not obliged to pay any additional costs such a return

Consumer obligations in case of unilateral termination of contract
Article 77
(1) Unless the trader offers the goods that the consumer returns, the consumer shall make a refund without delay and no later than 14 days after the date on which he notified the trader about his decision to terminate the contract in accordance with Article 74 of this Act.
(2) It is considered that the consumer has fulfilled his obligation under paragraph 1 of this Article on time before the expiration of the deadline referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, or send it to the trader or the person authorized by the trader to receive the goods.
(3) The consumer shall bear only the direct costs of returning the goods unless the trader agrees to bear such costs or if the trader has failed to inform the consumer that he has to bear those costs.
(4) If, at a contract concluded outside a business premises, the goods were delivered to the consumer at the time of the conclusion of the contract at his home, the merchant must take over the goods at his own expense if the goods can not, by their nature, be returned in the usual way by mail.
(5) The consumer shall be liable for any impairment of the goods resulting from the handling of the goods other than that which was necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and function of the goods.
Exclusion of rights to unilateral termination of contract
Article 79
The consumer has no right to unilaterally terminate the contract in this section if:
3. The subject of the contract of goods which is made according to the consumer specification or which is clearly adapted to the consumer
5. the subject of the contract of sealed goods which, for health or hygiene reasons, is not eligible for return if it was cleared after delivery
13. Subject to the contract of delivery of digital content not delivered to the physical media if the fulfillment of the contract has begun with explicit prior consent of the consumer and with his confirmation that he is aware of the fact that he will lose the right to unilaterally terminate the contract.

Replacement, Complaints and Returns and Objections

Return of goods is possible within 14 days of the date of purchase via Diskobolos Internet Store, not for this reason, pursuant to Article 72 of the Consumer Protection Act (Official Gazette No. 41/14).

In the form of an Information Form on the Right to Unilaterally Termination of a Purchase Agreement, the rights and obligations of the consumer as well as the obligations and rights of the merchant in the case of exercising the right of the user to unilaterally terminate the sales contract are stated.

Pursuant to the Consumer Protection Act (Official Gazette No. 41/14, Article 10), the company Diskobolos d.o.o. it undertakes to receive a written complaint from the user on the performed service and to respond in writing within 15 days of receipt of the complaint. Discobooth Disclosure Service Disclosure may be submitted in writing to:

Diskobolos d.o.o.
Graberje 150, 10090 Zagreb,
or to the e-mail address:
or fax number: 01/4819629

Diskobolos undertakes to respond to the complaint in writing no later than 15 days from the date of receipt of the complaint.

The user should submit the response data to the complaint: Name, surname and address.

Payment return

In the case of the inability to deliver the ordered products, or the delivery of identical replacement products, the user will be offered products of equal or similar characteristics and prices. If the buyer does not accept such a bid Diskobolos d.o.o. is obliged to make a refund of the funds as soon as possible and within 14 days from the day of receipt of the notice of termination of the purchase contract to the account of the beneficiary from whom the funds have been paid. In case of return of funds, the reimbursement of postage is not included.

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