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Anthropological Papers 33-42/1953

Etnologija, etnografija i folklor - periodika

Anthropological Papers 33-42/1953


Smithsonian Institution







9,30 EUR

7,44 EUR

Štedite: 1,86 EUR (20%)

Contens: No.33: Of the Crow Nation. No.34: The Water Lily in Maya Art: A Complex of Alleged Asiatic Origin. No.35: The Medicine Bundles of the Florida Seminole and the Green Corn Dance. No.36: Technique in the Music of the American Indian. No.37: The Belief of the Indian in a Connection between Song and the Supernatural. No.38: Aboriginal Fish Poisons. Nr.39: Aboriginal Navigation off the Coasts of Upper and Baja California. No.40: Exploration of an Andena Mound at Natruim, West Virginia...DOSTUPNO PREKO INTERNETSKE PRODAJE ODMAH, U DUĆANU U ROKU OD 24 SATA.

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